Tips for Selling Fast

We love an ambitious seller. We've got a few tips for you.

The faster you sell your item, the faster you get $$ in your bank account. 


1. High-Quality Photos

We know you've got some model shots hidden in your camera roll. Let us be an excuse to relive your photoshoot because those photographer photos are **insert chef's kiss**.   The higher quality of the photos, the better chance your item is going to catch someone's eye. Make sure you take detailed photos to show the current condition of the item, zooming in on any flaws because transparency will forever be the key to our hearts.

2. Share Your Listing

We've got you covered on our social media, but make sure you share on yours too. The more people that see your item, the high chance someone is going to purchase it.

3. Price Competitively

Ask yourself "How much would I pay for this?". What price would you need to see of your item in order to justify not buying it brand new? Let that be your guiding light and check out our help article on pricing if you are still feeling stumped. 

4. Understand What Good Looks Like

We made an entire article dedicated to what a good posting looks like with an example real-life posting which you can check out here.